F. Scott Fitzgerald famously once said that there are no second acts in American life, but in the case of dubious street food and Ghostwheel, he got it a little wrong.
Ghostwheel was founded by Ian Lynch Smith, Mark Andersson and Kevin O’Neil. Ian was the former founder of Freeverse, a beloved maker of apps and games for Apple platforms. Freeverse grew to a team of 30 developers (including Mark and Kevin) based in Brooklyn, before it was acquired by ngmoco/DeNA. Along the way it garnered multiple Apple Design Awards, had numerous App Store #1 hits, released the first AR game ever for the iPhone, and even had software bundled directly onto all shipping Macs. These included games such as Flick Fishing, Wingnuts, Skee-Ball, the Burning Monkey and Big Bang series, as well as published applications such as Lineform, Sound Studio and Comic Life. They are joined by Joe Mefford, a veteran from the film and software worlds.
We’re going to create cool stuff. Some of it we hope will make money. Some of it, we know, won’t make a dime. We’re still going to make those things anyway.
Ian Lynch Smith • Mark Andersson • Kevin O'Neil • Joe Mefford • Colin Lynch Smith (Elder of a Gentle Race)
Steve Jobs demoing the Freeverse app Motochaser, see lots more here: Freeverse scrapbook.